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Sculpture “Madonna”

Artists: Stas Kadochnikov and Tetiana Zaitseva
Price: €15 000  (excl.fees)
The price does not include taxes, delivery costs, or customs fees. When shipping from Ukraine to Europe, these charges will be added after the order.

Description and details

The Madonna sculpture is made from a fragment of an X-31 missile that was shot down over Kyiv in May 2022 during massive rocket attacks. From a fragment of a missile designed to deliver lethal strikes, the artist created an elegant and emotional image of the Madonna. She stands with her head bowed, one hand resting on her heart, the other holding a crystal ball that represents our planet, clean from war. Her hair is falling on her shoulders, her face has an expression of humility, as if she is watching the world with a sad, thoughtful look. The lower part of the sculpture has holes in it, as if the Madonna had been “shot” as a symbol of the fact that nothing is sacred and inviolable for evil. So we have to protect what is dear to us with our own hands.

Materials used to make the artwork:

Steel, bronze, crystal, stone, titanium fragments of a Russian X-31 missile.

Dimensions: length 30 cm, width 21 cm, height 65 cm


Artist: Stas Kadochnikov

  • This item is created as a unique piece.
  • Each work comes with a certificate of authenticity.
  • All materials have been verified by the national police and are guaranteed safe.
  • Returns are possible within 14 days after receiving the purchase.
  • 15% of the cost will be donated to a charitable fund
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