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War Artists Union: Inspiring Hearts through Art

War Artists Union: Inspiring Hearts through Art

Thanks to the talent and extraordinary ideas of Vladimir Baliberdin, an artist from our project in Kyiv, the world has received incredible jewelry pieces made from spent bullet casings, which have become a symbol of his “Memory of the Heart” collection.

Vladimir has been in the jewelry business for nearly 50 years. Now, as war has become our reality, he decided not to abandon his craft and unfinished projects but to use spent bullet casings, which unfortunately abound in as material for creating extraordinary jewelry.

This unique technique, where each element is crafted by hand from start to finish, has amazed many. Welding, cutting, drilling and other jewelry techniques add a special charm to these incredible works.

The collection’s name “Memory of the Heart” was coined by Vladimir’s wife, Galina Dyugovska, giving these works not only high craftsmanship but also deep meaning.

Vladimir Baliberdin wishes to convey an important message through his work – war is terrible, and this collection is an attempt to find something good and breathe life into people’s

hearts through art. He calls for a reevaluation of these dreadful events.

As for the future, Vladimir plans to continue creating, using various techniques and listening to his intuition. We are delighted to introduce this talented and contemporary artist in our project, along with his creations that you can purchase right now.

We will not stop transforming instruments of death into works of art and revealing to the world what true Ukrainians are capable of!

Our Works

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